Greyhound Racing Ireland wishes to announce that a new complaints policy and procedure will be introduced from 1st October 2014.
We are committed to providing a high-quality service to all of our customers. The Complaints Procedure will provide our customers with the facility to make a complaint, which will assist us in improving our standards of service and ensure that complaints are dealt with in a timely manner.
The new policy and procedure will be published on our website, and will provide all of our customers with the necessary information to submit their complaint. This new policy is released in conjunction with a Complaints Form which can be downloaded from our website and is completed by the customer in order to provide us with all the details and surrounding circumstances of their complaint.
We hope this new policy will be easy to use, and will introduce a formal procedure that can provide the necessary platform to submit and ultimately resolve a complaint as quickly and satisfactorily as possible.
The complaints form can be found in the 'Contact Details' section of the website ( or can be downloaded by clicking on the link here.