New policy on the feeding of Animal By-Products (ABP) to dogs including greyhounds

    New policy on the feeding of Animal By-Products (ABP) to dogs including greyhounds

    Following consultation with Rásaíocht Con Éireann and the Irish Coursing Club (ICC), the framework to introduce a new policy and procedures relating to Article 18(1)(f) of Regulation (EC) 1069 of 2009 which allows specified Category 2 and Category 3 animal by-product (ABP) to be fed to “dogs from recognised kennels and packs of hounds” has been finalised.

    The key elements to the framework are that

    1. Production and sale of Category 2 (and 3) ABP is restricted to Collection Centres, approved and supervised by the Department. Collection Centres are fixed premises (which may be located near to greyhound tracks), facilitating effective supervision, including the effective and reliable identification and denaturation of ABP;
    2.  Purchase and use of Category 2 (and 3) ABP for greyhounds is to be restricted to Licensed Meat Feeders, authorised by the Department following a recommendation by either one of the greyhound bodies - Rásaíocht Con Éireann and/or the Irish Coursing Club (ICC) - on foot of the issue of a Recognised Kennel Authorisation (RKA) ;
    3. Department supervision of Licensed Meat Feeders will be supplemented by inspections carried out by the GRI and/or ICC. These inspections will be against criteria agreed between these organisations and the Department.

    The revised system will be in place by 30 April, 2015 and all applications for a new or a renewal of a Meat Feeder Authorisation in respect of greyhounds should be submitted to the Department of Agriculture, Milk & Meat Hygiene/ABP/TSE Division, Grattan House, Grattan Business Centre, Portlaoise, Co. Laois, as is the current practice. The application form will then be forwarded to ICC/GRI who will carry out an initial inspection to assess suitability of the greyhound owner and the facilities available to be approved for an authorisation. The inspection form for the RKA will be completed by an authorised official of the GRI or ICC and returned to the Department.

    The application form for a new licence or renewal of a licence can be obtained by contacting Annemarie Guilfoyle on 057 8694365 or via email at