Primary Parents Grandparents Great-Grandparents
Commanchi Kid
Commanchi Run
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Gambling Fever
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Friend Westy
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Miss Gorgeous
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Honeymoon Laurie
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Here Sonny
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Clopook Ivy
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Coombe Queen
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
For Real
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Moss Drain
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Exiles Star
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Nameless Star
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Satin Leaf
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
* Sires are displayed at the top of each generation.  

Litter Finish Distribution:

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
0 0 0 0 0 0

Breeding data provided courtesy of the Irish Coursing Club