Primary Parents Grandparents Great-Grandparents
Patsy Magic
Grangeview Ten
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Zero Ten
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Kiowa Sweet Trey
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Express Mist
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Portumna West
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Cashen Legend
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Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view racing information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Hillside Maryann
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Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view racing information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Razldazl Billy
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Razldazl Pearl
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Brownstown Tina
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Kinloch Brae
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Silverhill Tina
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view racing information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
* Sires are displayed at the top of each generation.  

Litter Finish Distribution:

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
7 8 0 2 2 1

Breeding data provided courtesy of the Irish Coursing Club